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About Us
We are a non-profit organization, established by the Economic Development Committee of the Executive Yuan(行政院經濟建設委員會) and donated by eight private prominent developers and investment trust.
The Foundation aims to be a think tank of urban regeneration policy , and a third party between the private and the public sectors.

March, 1998.

Our Task
Improving  the quality of urban environment 
Public and private partnership in regenerating our cities
Promoting of private investments on public land
Insisting the planning concept of embracing both government policies and market demand.

Promoting of urban regeneration and  research
Involve in government’s policy-making process and enforcement in relation to urban regeneration
Promote urban regeneration through researches, conferences and publications
Practices of urban regeneration projects
Investigate urban renewal areas 
Propose plans for urban regeneration
Involve in the inspection, management and consultation of urban regeneration related affairs