故 張隆盛先生(1940-2021)為本基金會創辦人,領導本基金會協助政府及民間推動都市更新各項工作。
國際自然保護聯盟保護區委員會東亞區域委員會主席(IUCN-WCPA-EA, The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, World Commission on Protected Area, East Asia)(1999-2005年)
中華民國建築學會 第八、九屆理事長(1983-1987年)
2021年 總統頒發褒揚令
2014年 臺北市都市再生特殊貢獻獎
2005年 12屆東元獎得主(人文景觀類)
1996年 富爾布萊特50週年傑出得獎人(Fulbright Program)
1996年 行政院一等服務獎章
1995年 中華民國都市計劃學會金質獎章
1994年 聯合國地球大學榮譽博士學位(International Honorary Doctor of the Earth Environmental University Roundtable)
1990年 內政部一等服務獎章
1975年 艾森豪獎金得主(Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Program)
1970年 亞洲基金會(The Asia Foundation)獎助計畫
In memory of Mr. Chang, Lung-Sheng
Mr. Chang, Lung-Sheng has almost become a synonym for urban regenerationmovement in Taiwan.In 1997, Mr. Chang, who was a Member of the Council for Economic Planning andDevelopment of the Executive Yuan, strongly recommended to Mr. Lien Chan, whowas the Vice President and Premier of the Executive Yuan of Republic of China, thatthe urban regeneration will soon be a very important issue to Taiwan’s city developmentpolicy. Mr. Cheng thought that the over-expansionin seize of urban in passed ten years has resulted in serious consequences likethe decaying natural environment, it caused catastrophe like Lincoln Da Jun Community event, or the collapse of real estatemarket. He believed that we need to learn from the advanced countries to guidethe development back to downtowns. Hence,the Executive Yuan promulgated the "Program for Urban Regeneration". This is first time the urban regenerationprogram was included in governmental policies in Taiwan. To promote the enactment of urban regeneration,Mr. Chang was appointed to serve as the convener of urban regenerationpromoting team in Executive Yuan.
The urban regenerationmovement he implemented is closely related to the idea of sustainable developmenthe promoted. According to theofficial prediction, the growth rate of population in Taiwan willreduce to 0% in year 2038. Afterthat, the population will be slowly decreasing and 70% of the existing urbanlands will be sufficient for our permanent use in quantity. To protect the ecological environment inTaiwan,there is no need to increase the urban seize, even if the need of agriculturallands decreases with the shifts of agricultural industries. He particularly concerns about the staggeringdevelopment around stations in metropolis, which can not keep up with thedemands driven by the new public transportation systems. He also urges the governments shouldtake the lead to enhance the land use density in downtown areas by redevelopingthe veteran communities, port site areas and government-owned large vacantproperties. To show the importanceof urban regeneration policy to domestic politicians, he often visited citymayors for promotion and lobbying.
UR (Urban Regeneration R&D Foundation) is Mr. Chang’s important contribution for the urban regeneration movement. URis a non-profit organization entirely relied on Mr. Chang’s fund raising fromprivate enterprises. UR plays an importantrole on facilitating urban renewal movement for it trains many specialists forthe whole redevelopment industry. Theseprofessionals assist the government and the private sectors to construct the governmentaland business systems under the urban regeneration program.
The specificcontribution of URshortly after set up, was to assist the post-disastercommunity reconstruction. Mr. Chang, Lung-Shengpersonally directed UR colleagues to work excludingany cost on the “Post-Disaster Recovery Outline for Dongshi Town” and proactively suggested thereconstruction practice to the senior officials and victims. He believes the urbanrenewal policy is the best tool to assist the reconstruction of impacted communities. He advocates the 921 Foundation shouldgrant the urban renewal projects. Hevigorously suggested in the Executive Yuan that the government should payattention to the importance and difficulty of condominium reconstruction. He took an example of his own affecteddwelling unit in the collapsed Celebrity Art Family Condominium to explain thecomplexities and difficulties of reconstruction to the senior officials, whichis far more than the public facilities. Under Mr. Chang, Lung-Sheng’s leadership, UR has set the best example in Taiwan to assist the reconstructionof post-disaster communities.
More Information about Mr. Chang, Lung-Sheng